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Sponsor a Librarian in Nekemte for a Whole Year for only £100

One donation twice the funding!

We are taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge to raise money to employ 34 librarians across 34 libraries.

This means that you can sponsor a librarian for a whole year for only £100.

Donations made direct to the Big Give between 30th November and 7th December will be doubled.

Get your friends and family involved!

  • Send your donations between midday 30 November and midday 7 December
  • Donations must be paid directly to The Big Give on our allocated page using the following link:
    School Libraries in Rural Western Ethiopia
  • Want to know more about the Big Give? Click here. 
  • Click on the buttons below to download our HOW TO...... GUIDES containing ideas on how to organise your fund-raising events.